Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Sister. My Friend.

"She's the 'Martha Stewart' know, perfect and all."

That's how I normally refer to my sister when someone asks me about her. That is how I've forever viewed; the pure essence of perfection.

I should probably back up. My "sister" is actually my step-sister, and her name is Allison. Because of this, our relationship is not like most sister relationships. For most of our lives, we have been known, for the most part, as "acquaintances." We would see each other at most major holidays, and maybe a few more times a year. But for the most part, that was it. We would catch up, as much as we could, at least. When I would see her, I would do my best to impress her. I would want her to see me as the cool, smart, and popular girl (much as I viewed her). Whether or not she actually viewed me as this will always be a complete mystery to me, but I sure would spend the family holidays to convince her as such.

This past November, she saw me going through a hard time, and without questions, offered for me to live with her. May I remind you my sister is now a full grown woman with a full grown family. She is a working mother and a full time wife. Yet, she saw that she still had room for one more in her house. Can I tell you, the reception has been wonderful. I have developed a relationship with my sister that is more than most people will ever get to experience. Not only have we developed as sisters, we have become friends.

Tonight, I watched her as she talked on the phone, made dinner, and balanced her two rambunctious (but precious) boys. And I sat in awe. She was still the essence of perfection I always admired, but she was also human. In the privilege of getting to live with her, I have gotten to see just how human she is. And it, once again, is perfection.

We have had some amazing conversations. Ranging from anywhere to religion, to politics, to family dynamics. We have discussed why weren't as close as some sisters, and why our relationship is where it is now. She has inspired me to be all that I can be (yes, I am aware at how cliche' that sounds).

The bottom line is that she is my inspiration. Do I want to lead her exact life? I do not know. But I do know I want to have the same vigor in life as she does. She has her downfalls, but she falls ever so gracefully. If I could amount to just a little of her, I would be proud.

I love her like no other, and I wish she knew how special she was.

I love you, Allison.


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